Life Path Number
Your life path number (or “Birth Path”) is the most common reading and the best place to start for a better understanding of yourself.
To obtain your life path number add the day, the month and the year you were born.
For example
- If you were born on the 16th of May and the year was 2014, you would add 1+6+5+2+0+1+4 = 19
- Keep adding until you reach a single-digit number. 1+9 = 10
- Keep adding to reduce it to a single number 1+0=1
This is the life path or destiny that is set and unchangeable for the person and is used by numerologists to describe your journey through life and what you can accomplish.
Master Numbers
Master numbers 11, 22, and 33 are considered a more advanced version of their counterparts.
- The number 11, an offshoot of the number 2, is usually considered more intuitive, to the point of psychic ability.
- The number 22 is very often considered the master builder and is full of vision and hard work.
- The number 33 is the most influential and is called the master teacher.