The Rat is the first Animal in the Chinese Zodiac.

Chinese zodiac sign the ratTraits: People born in the year of the Rat are clever, adaptable, and resourceful, ambitious yet honest. They have a strong sense of curiosity and love to explore new things. They are also quick-witted and can handle any situation with ease. Rats are sociable and charming, and they enjoy making friends and networking. They are loyal and generous to their loved ones, but they can also be cunning and opportunistic when they see a chance to benefit themselves.

While rats are convivial types, they are also shameless promoters of their own agendas. This Sign’s charm and powers of persuasion are often used to their best advantage. Rats are motivated by money and possessions. They’re quick-witted and sharp-tongued and love a good debate.

Rats enjoy being on the outside looking in, as they like to learn by observing. They’re forever observant, always tucking away information in their brains for use at some future time if they need it. Rats don’t like to be bored and are always looking for challenges to keep their already-sharp wits even sharper.

Rats are generally healthy and energetic, but they should pay attention to their diet and exercise habits. They may be prone to stress, insomnia, or digestive issues due to their fast-paced lifestyle. They should also be careful of accidents or injuries caused by their adventurous nature. Rats should seek balance and harmony in their lives, and avoid being too greedy or reckless.

Compatibility: Rats are compatible with Ox, Dragons, and Monkeys, who share their intelligence, creativity, and ambition. They should avoid Horses, Roosters, and Rabbits, who may find them too restless, critical, or selfish. Rats are most suited for careers that require innovation, communication, and problem-solving, such as writers, journalists, engineers, or entrepreneurs. They are also good at managing money and saving for the future.

The Rat today: You’ll tend to exaggerate the smallest difficulty; there’ll be the need to see things with objectivity, and then you’ll feel more relaxed and, therefore, more efficient. Beware of intoxications, notably by ingestion. Be very cautious and strict in the use of drugs. If your intestines are sensitive, don’t let yourself be tempted by the vegetarianism fad; this diet is too rich in cellulose and consequently doesn’t suit you. More than ever you’ll aim high and you’ll concentrate your life forces on the achievement of your professional ambitions.

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