What is Numerology?

Numerology is the relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things and how numbers affect our lives. Numerology’s object is the study and interpretation of the numbers in names and birth dates and how they relate to each person’s energy vibrations.

Your Numerology Number can provide an in-depth look into your personality, your hopes, your dreams, your destiny, your potential in life and so much more.

Life Path Number

The Life Path Number is computed with the use of your birth month, birth date, and birth year. The Life Path number is one of the most powerful numbers in numerology as it is unchangeable. It is also the number that many numerology enthusiasts encounter first because it is one of the easiest numbers to compute and it also gives one of the most accurate readings in numerology.

Your Life Path Number shows you what road you are to follow in life. It also provides you with a list of your different talents and abilities. You may be aware of some of these abilities, while you may not be with the others. Take them as your potential, of what you can achieve if you choose to live up to the positive aspects of your Life Path number.

Name Number

      • Name Number is based on (consonants and vowels) all the letters of your full name given at birth.

Your Name Number reveals the true identity, talents and personal potential that you will have during your lifetime, which is the combination of

      • First Name – the key to your character. It is your personal and physical side and how you perceive and carry yourself.
      • Middle Name – your inner secret self. It is a part of your character that sets the tone for how you react to situations. Having no middle name often means that a person has difficulty expressing emotions. People without a middle name must learn to balance their emotions.
      • Last Name – (family name, surname) is referred to as the contemplative self. It represents how you seize life and use your intellect to navigate your way through life. Changing or adding to your last name through marriage can be compared with your birth name to see what changes the new name brings into your comprehension.
      • Total Name – is the sum of your names and reveals your true identity.

Some people name their children with several Christian names. You should be able to determine where each name belongs. For example, Mary Elizabeth Jean Miller. If the person used Mary Elizabeth as their first name, then Jean would be the middle name. If the person used Mary as their first name, then Elizabeth Jean would be the middle name. Multiple or hyphenated last names should be added as one.

It is calculated using the vowels and consonants in your full name. The name you use should be the one that appears on your birth certificate.

Soul Number

      • Soul Number is based on the vowels in your full birth name.

Soul Number defines what or whom you value most and describes your inner desires or aspects of your life.

In numerology, A, E, I, O, U and often Y are vowels.

      1. Y is a vowel when it makes a vowel sound like an ee, eg Mary, Johnny
      2. Y is a vowel when it follows another vowel and sounds like one, eg, Wayne, May
      3. Y is a vowel when there is no other vowel in the syllable, eg Blyth, Cyryl
      4. Y is a consonant when it makes a sound as in yet and yes, eg Yale, Young

Most of the time Y is considered a vowel.

Personality Number

Your personality Number describes your secret fears, hopes, and fantasies. Consonants reveal your personality. It is how people would describe you, as this is how people see you.

Your Personality Number can help you find out how you can change how people perceive you. It is also a good way for you to find out how you can best live up to the best qualities that are associated with your personality number.

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