Symbols and their Meanings
Revised 1 Oct’2023 by Numerology Number

Symbols have been an important part of all cultures throughout the world for many years and we still use these symbols today. These symbols have different meanings for different cultures and today we wear these symbols as jewellery in the belief that they will protect us from harm and for many other reasons.
Symbols are visual representations of ideas, concepts, or values that can convey meanings beyond words. Symbols can be natural, such as the sun, the moon, or the stars, or artificial, such as flags, logos, or emojis. Symbols can have different meanings depending on the context, culture, or interpretation of the viewer. For example, a red rose can symbolize love, passion, or romance, but it can also symbolize blood, sacrifice, or martyrdom.
Symbols can also change their meanings over time, as new associations are formed or old ones are forgotten. For example, the swastika was originally a sacred symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, but it became a symbol of hate and evil after being adopted by the Nazis.
Symbols can be powerful tools for communication, persuasion, or expression, but they can also be sources of misunderstanding, conflict, or manipulation. Symbols play an important part in rituals and magic practices for the different cultures which some people still practice today.
Below I have provided the meaning and translation of some of the most popular of these symbols.