Interpreting Your Name Number
Name Number 1
Your best way to reap good karma in this life is to concentrate less on your own aims and show others the way to their success. Practising stewardship, mentorship and philanthropy helps you make decisions about the course of your own life.
Name Number 2
Loving yourself and taking care of yourself will enable you to love and take care of others in this life without sacrificing your dignity and self-esteem. Practice letting go of such toxic emotional habits as possessiveness, jealousy and obsession.
Name Number 3
Do the creative things you love just for the sheer joy of doing them and the money will come. If you start feeling that the world owes you a living, immediately go out and practice an act of random kindness or charity to humble yourself.
Name Number 4
Achieving world peace is one thing, but the first one must be harmonious inside. As you are such a caretaker of others, you are advised to take time out from your focus on others and regularly reconnect with your higher self by practising yoga or meditation.
Name Number 5
You attract the best karma by sacrificing the spotlight to others once in a while, no matter how untalented they may seem to you. Realize that everybody has a right to express themselves without judgement or criticism from you. Dispensing with pride and learning to be humble is often corrective to your karma.
Name Number 6
You attract the best fortune by doing to others, as they would do unto you. Your karma is vastly improved if you can get past the idea that you must save up your love for that one special someone and treat everyone you meet as especially as you would your soul mate.
Name Number 7
Number 7s can improve their karma by extending a helping hand to those they would normally consider contemptible in Behaviour. 7’s can also create good karma by learning to master their greatest fears such as fear of abandonment and fear of “letting go.”
Name Number 8
8’s reap the greatest karmic rewards by having faith and working diligently to accomplish their goals no matter what others say. As 8s are often wealthy, they reap what they sow by donating at least 10% of their income to charities.
Name Number 9
Number 9’s can correct their karma by displaying more faith in the concept that the universe is a benevolent, rather than a cruel place. Detaching their emotions and consistently displaying an upbeat and positive attitude usually bring them great rewards.
Master Numbers
Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33 reveal the spiritual wisdom contained in your name. Being double numbers they are interpreted as a whole number first, with the meaning expressed as energy vibrations of a spiritual nature or as wisdom from a higher source.
Name Number 11
Master number 11 reaps the greatest rewards by having faith in their intuition as opposed to their rational minds. 11’s need to work on their faith and trust in other people as fate has a way of only bringing them what they expect. If an 11 expects the worst then he or she will get the worst. If she or he expects the best, then they are usually blessed.
Name Number 22
Master number 22 succeeds the best if they learn to control the thoughts that rule their subconscious mind. As they are the ultimate manifestos of dreams into reality, a 22 reaps the greatest rewards by choosing his or her thoughts carefully. Positive thoughts bring 22 positive things. Negative thoughts often manifest as roadblocks to success or prosperity.
Name Number 33
Master number 33 is usually an enlightened being who is about to ascend to the next level of non-being. They usually don’t experience a karmic path and act more as karmic agents that trigger catalytic events so that others can ascend in terms of developing their spirituality.
Karmic Numbers
Karmic Numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 reveal the lessons to be learned and/or overcome.
Karmic Number 13 reveals that the person is to work hard and do their fair share in life, be stable and forthright in dealing with other people.
Karmic Number 14 shows that the person needs to learn from experience, quit making the same mistakes and try to work with difficulties instead of running away from them.
Karmic Number 16 indicates a person who is overly self-concerned and introverted; they come across as diffident and often unapproachable. The 16 number should try to be more understanding of the world.
Karmic Number 19 comes from past abuse of power for self-fulfilment. They can become dependent and meet with many obstacles until they work towards balancing their needs with others’ needs.