Biblical Numerology

Revised 1 Oct’2023 by Numerology Numberbiblical numerology

Biblical numerology relates to the study and symbolic meaning of individual numbers in the Bible.

Some scholars believe that certain numbers have special significance in the scriptures, such as 3, 7, 10, 12, and 40.

      • The number 3 is also thought to be the number of the divine Trinity: The Trinity consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
      • The number 7 signifies completion or perfection. It is often called “God’s number” since he is the only one who is perfect and complete.
      • The number 10 with the Ten Commandments.
      • The number 12 with the tribes of Israel or the apostles of Jesus.
      • The number 40 is often understood as the “number of probation or trial (testing or judgment).” The Israelites wandered for 40 years; Moses was on the mount for 40 days; 40 days were involved in the story of Jonah and Nineveh; Jesus was tempted for 40 days; there were 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
      • Another number repeated in the Bible is 4, which is the number of creation: North, South, East, West; four seasons.
      • The number 6 is thought to be the number of man: Man was created on the 6th day; man labours 6 days only. Another example of the Bible using a number to signify something is the number 666, the number of the Antichrist in Revelation chapter 13.

Biblical numerology can help us understand the deeper messages and themes of God’s word, but it should not be used to predict the future or to manipulate others.

Interpreting Biblical Numerology

Most of the world’s religions maintain that numbers contain hidden meanings that hold the secrets of the universe. In Biblical numerology, each number is associated with certain gods, goddesses, colours, flowers, gemstones and of course, superstitions.

Number 1

In Islamic, Jewish and Christian religions, the number 1 is associated with the one God. For medieval alchemists and metaphysicians, the number 1 was associated with the Philosopher’s Stone, the unknown catalyst that was thought to transform base metals magically into gold.

The number 1 is also associated with Allah, Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of Love, Apollo the Greek God of Communication, Diana the Roman Goddess of the Hunt, Vesta the Roman Hearth Goddess, Frey the Norse Hearth Goddess, Jehovah, the Egyptian God Neter and the Chinese God Pangu.

Colours – red, crimson, scarlet and cherry.

Gemstones – ruby and garnet.

Flowers – red roses and red carnations.

Superstitions –

          • Break one egg and you will break a leg.
          • It is unlucky to walk around the house in one slipper.
          • Only keep money in one pocket or you will lose it.
          • People on the one hand are psychic.
          • A one-eyed person is a witch.
          • Seeing one magpie bodes a death in your future.
          • Seeing one white horse brings bad luck.
          • If you wash your hair on the first day of the month, you will have a short life.
          • It is unlucky to get married on August 1st or January 1st.
          • If you dream about the number 1, you have received a direct message from God.

Number 2

In the Tarot deck, the number two represents love or the dance of courtship between two people. The Chinese believe that it represents the polar forces of Ying (the receptive, constrictive female energy) and Yang (the creative expansive male energy.)

Early Christians believed that the number represented the Devil or the division between the soul and God. Similarly, the Zoroastrians believe the number represents the forces of good and evil locked in an eternal, yet equal struggle.

The number 2 is also associated with Ceres, the Greek Goddess of Grain, Frigga the Norse Hearth Goddess, Loki the Norse Goddess of Fertility and Venus, the Greek God of Love.

Colours – orange, gold, tangerine and peach.

Flowers – freesias, orange roses and orange lilies.

Gemstones – gold and coral.

Superstitions –

          • If two crows fly over the house, there will be a wedding in the family.
          • If two people sneeze at the same time, both will have good luck.
          • If two shoots grow from the root of a single cabbage, you will have good luck.
          • Two people should never pour tea from the same pot.
          • It is lucky to have two holes in the same sock.
          • Breaking two eggs accidentally is a sign that you will find your soul mate.
          • Finding an egg with two yolks means there will be a death in the family.
          • If you wash your hair on the second day of the month, you will have good fortune.
          • It is unlucky to get married on January 2nd and September 2nd.
          • If you dream about the number 2, somebody is jealous of you.

Number 3

Christians interpret the number 3 as representing The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. The great psychologist Carl Jung interpreted this as meaning the merging of the will with the heart and the soul. The ancient Babylonians and Celts interpreted this number to represent creation.

The number 3 is associated with Cronos, the Greek father of the Earth, Hecate, the Queen of the Witches, Pluto, the Roman God of Death, Saturn, the Roman God of Limitation and Tyr, the Norse God of War.

Colours – yellow, lemon, beige and cream.

Flowers – yellow roses and orchids.

Gemstone – topaz.

Superstitions –

          • A series of unlucky events always happens in threes.
          • It is bad luck to see three butterflies sitting on a leaf.
          • Spitting three times shoos away the devil.
          • It is unlucky to light three cigarettes from the same match.
          • If an owl hoots three times, there will be misfortune.
          • If a cat washes his ears three times, you can expect a visitor.
          • A three-legged dog brings luck.
          • Try anything a third time and it will succeed.
          • If you wash your hair on the third day of the month, you will have great wealth.
          • It is unlucky to get married on May 3rd.
          • If you dream about the number 3, you will lose your lover.

Number 4

For the ancient Hebrews, the number 4 was considered to be especially significant. This is because one of their names for God, Yahweh, was spelled in Aramaic with four letters. The number 4 and its equivalent geometrical shape, the circle, were considered to be sacred by ancient cultures that believed the world was flat.

Ancient pagan religions also revered the number 4 as it represents the four directions (north, south, east and west) as well as the four elements (earth, air, wind and fire.)

Deities associated with the number four are the fatherly Gods such as the Roman God Jupiter, the Norse God Odin and the Greek God Zeus.

Colours – green and emerald.

Gemstones – jade and emerald.

Plants – ivy, bamboo and baby’s breath.

Superstitions –

          • A four-leaf clover brings luck.
          • If four cookies fuse in the oven while you are baking, there will be a wedding.
          • Four ravens clustered together on a tree branch mean there will be a wedding.
          • Finding four colours in one pansy petal bodes health, wealth, happiness and prosperity.
          • A house with the number 4 in the address is very inauspicious.
          • Keeping the four aces of an ordinary playing deck on your person is thought to bring power (spades), wealth (diamonds), love (hearts) and popularity (clubs).
          • Four ravens clustered together on a tree branch mean there will be a wedding.
          • Finding four colours in one pansy petal bodes health, wealth, happiness and prosperity.
          • If you hold the four clubs while playing a card game, you will always lose.
          • If you wash your hair on the 4th day of the month, you will go grey early.
          • It is unlucky to get married on June 4th or October 4th.
          • If you dream about the number 4, you will soon be handed a lucky opportunity.

Number 5

Pythagoras believed that 5 was the sum of the male and female elements and therefore the number had to symbolize marriage. For the Sikhs, the number symbolizes the five sacred objects that are worn by all males.

The Chinese believe the number represents the 5 elements that are used in the divination oracle, the I Ching, as well as Pa’ Kua is a device used for determining Feng Shui: earth, air, water, fire and metal.

In Wiccan circles, five represents the star-shaped pentagram that symbolizes religion. This five-pointed star represents the four limbs and the head of a person.

Deities associated with the number 5 include Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Celebration, Ishtar, the Babylonian God of Wisdom, Mars, the Roman God of War and Thor, the Norse God of War and thunderbolts.

Colours – sky blue and turquoise symbolize the number 5.

Gemstones – turquoise and aquamarine.

Flower – anemone.

Superstitions –

          • A five-leafed clover is even luckier than a four-leafed one.
          • Wearing a five-pointed star turns away evil.
          • If five cookies fuse while cooking, a funeral will take place.
          • If you twist the stem of an apple and it breaks on the fifth twist, you will be married within the year.
          • In the hoodoo tradition, a talisman featuring a hand displaying all five fingers is known as the Lucky Hand and is used to ward off misfortune as well as luck in gambling.
          • If you wax your hair on the fifth day of the month, you will go bald.
          • It is unlucky to get married on November 5th.
          • If you dream about the number five, you will soon be famous.

Number 6

For Christians, Jews and Muslims, the number 6 represents the day that man was created. Triple 6’s (as in 666) represents the Goddess in pagan religions and the Devil in Christian religions. Mathematicians revere the number 6 because it is the first perfect number.

Deities associated with the number 6 include Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine and Hermes, the Greek God of Communication.

Colours – deep blue, navy and royal blue.

Gemstones – sapphire and lapis lazuli.

Flowers – thistles and bluebells.

Superstitions –

          • It is unlucky to turn the number six upside down in jest as it means your projects will not be completed.
          • If you find a rose with six petals, it means you will be lucky in love.
          • If you find a pansy petal with six colours in it, it means you will receive an unexpected visitor.
          • A talisman with the number 6 worn on it means you will be protected against hurricanes and tornadoes.
          • It is unlucky to get married on October 6th or November 6th.
          • If you dream about the number 6, you will soon have sex.

Number 7

The number 7 is equally sacred among Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions. According to Jewish and Christian mythologies, it took six days to create the world with the seventh day being the holiest day – a day of rest. The Bible, Zohar and other religious texts also recommend that fields were to be left fallow every seventh year as a means of allowing the earth to regenerate itself. Some Christians believe the number 7 represents the seven levels of hell.

It is Hebrew tradition to mourn for a period of 7 days as well as celebrate holidays by lighting a menorah: a 7-branched candelabra.

Deities associated with the number 7 include Frigga, the Norse Goddess of Agriculture, Minerva, the Roman Goddess of Prosperity and Mithras, the Babylonian Sun God.

Colours – violet, purple and plum.

Gemstone – amethyst.

Flowers – irises and deep purple roses.

Superstitions –

          • If your date of birth can be reduced to a single number that can be divided by seven, then you will have a particularly lucky life.
          • Shattering a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck.
          • If you sing before 7 am, then you will cry before 11 am.
          • Wrapping her husband’s belt 7 times around a tree causes a woman to become fertile.
          • The seventh child of a seventh child is said to have psychic powers.
          • If you wash your hair on the 7th day of the month, you will have trouble with the law.
          • It is unlucky to get married on April 7th or December 7th.
          • If you dream about the number 7, you will soon meet a soul mate.

Number 8

The ancient Greeks associated the number 8 with unhappiness and imperfection. The psychologist Carl Jung equated the number with the secret and dark movements of the subconscious that constantly folds into itself like a snake eating its tail.

According to the principles of Chinese Feng Shui, the number 8 represents abundance and prosperity. It is considered lucky to have a house number that contains an 8.

Gods and goddesses associated with the number 8 include Mercury, the Roman God of Communication and Gaia and Hera, the Roman Hearth Goddesses.

Colours – pink and rose.

Gemstones – rose quartz and pearl.

Flowers – pink roses and pink carnations.

Superstitions –

          • If you fall ill eight days after a new moon, you will die by the full moon.
          • If you give 8 pennies away, you will receive 108 times that amount.
          • Repeating your name 8 times while staring into your own eyes in a mirror is thought to bring prosperity.
          • It is unlucky to bring a person 8 flowers in a bouquet.
          • A house with address 88 will bring you double happiness.
          • If you wash your hair on the 8th day of the month, you will live to a ripe old age.
          • It is unlucky to get married on February 8th and June 8th.
          • If you dream about the number 8, you will soon lose a great deal of money.

Number 9

In occult circles, 9 is considered to be the number of completions and representative of the 3 x 3 rule: whatever you do comes back to you 3 x 3. The nine is also associated with Hecate, the Queen of the Witches.

In Chinese mythology, the number is composed of the lo shi, a magic square that comprises the first nine single digits on the number line.

Gods and goddesses associated with the number nine include Juno, the Roman Goddess of Abundance, Luna, the Roman Goddess of the Moon and Odin, the Father Creator in Norse mythology.

Colours – white and pearl.

Gemstones – silver, platinum, diamond and pearl.

Flowers – white carnations, white roses and lilies of the valley

Superstitions –

          • You will be blessed if you find nine peas in a pod.
          • Tying nine knots in a strand of your lover’s hair will convince him to come to you.
          • Tying nine knots around a photograph of an enemy will cause them to give up the battle against you.
          • An address with the number nine in it brings you a long life.
          • If a young man wants to marry, he should count 99 stars in the sky for 9 days. On the tenth day, he will meet his soul mate.
          • Misfortune befalls the person who finds the Nine of Diamonds card on the street.
          • The moon that falls nine days after the New Moon in May is considered to be an unlucky day.
          • If you wash your hair on the ninth day of the month, your marriage will be happy.
          • It is unlucky to get married on December 9th.
          • If you dream about the number nine, your home will soon be blessed with a child.

Number 10

For Christians, the number 10 symbolizes the Ten Commandments that were delivered to the Israelites after God’s revelations on Mount Sinai.

Deities traditionally associated with the number 10 include the Greek Gods Atlas, who bore the weight of the world on his shoulders and Uranus, who was responsible for imagination and technology.

A common superstition is that if you wash your hair on the 10th day of the month, you will receive a promotion at work. Another is that if you dream about the number 10, your mate is unfaithful.

Number 11

The number 11 and in particular the number 11:11 (as seen on a clock) is considered, by many lightworkers, to be a portal to other astral dimensions. The number 11 is also considered to be a ‘master number.”

Deities associated with the number 11 are the sea kings such as the Roman God Neptune and the Greek God Poseidon.

A common Chinese superstition is that washing your hair on the 11th day of the month will improve your eyesight.

Number 12

The number 12 is associated with the Twelve Apostles, the number of people on a jury as well as The Twelve Days of Christmas.

The number 12 is also identified with the Roman God Janus, who was said to be dishonest and to have two faces.

A common superstition is that washing your hair on the 12th day of the month will bring you misfortune. Another is that if you dream of the number 12, a solution will soon be found to a nagging problem.

Number 13

Usually considered an unlucky number, this double-digit represents Judas, the guest at the Last Supper who betrayed Jesus. As a result, it is also thought to be unlucky to have a dinner party with 13 guests.

Many hotels are missing a thirteenth floor or have omitted the number from their room doors.

Gods associated with the number 13 are Hades, the Greek God of Death and Pluto, the Roman God of Death.

Colour – black.

Superstitions –

          • It is unlucky to have an address with the number 13.
          • It is also unlucky to have 13 numbers in your name.
          • Friday the 13th of any month is said to be an unlucky day.
          • The moon that falls thirteen days after the New Moon in August is considered to be an unlucky day.
          • Washing your hair on the 13th of the month ensures that you will give birth to a son.

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