Amulets and Talismans
Amulets and Talismans have long been used in spiritual traditions worldwide. These are the pendants, symbols and charms that contain magic within them and convey that power and energy to the person who wears it or has otherwise been charged to a specific purpose, such as protecting or granting good luck to the person who wears the charm.
There is some confusion about lucky charms, amulets, and talismans. Although the differences are sometimes subtle, each is created for a different purpose: a charm is worn to attract good luck; an amulet protects from danger, and a talisman is used to attract a particular benefit to its owner.
An amulet, similar to a talisman, can be any object but its most important characteristic is its alleged power to protect its owner from danger or harm. Amulets include gems, especially engraved gems, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings, plants and animals; even words in the form of a magical spell or incantation to repel evil or bad luck.

An Amulet is defined as: ‘Anything is worn about the person as a charm preventative against evil, mischief, disease, witchcraft, etc.’ The definition of charm is very similar: ‘Anything worn about the person to avert evil or ensure prosperity, though a charm may also be a spell or incantation believed to have magical power.
Amulets have been worn for protection for thousands of years. Amulets were used to protect homes, families, and livestock.
Almost anything can (and has been) used as a charm. Buttons and coins are good examples. This is because these items are frequently lost, and found by others. Anything that you find can be used as a charm. Small objects that are given to you also make good charms, because of the pleasant connotations they provide. Many gift stores have a selection of small objects that can be used as charms. Amulets were originally natural items, such as an animal’s tooth or semi-precious stone. However, you can choose anything you like.
Amulets were also used to protect people from the “evil eye.” The belief that a person or animal could harm another by staring at them with an evil eye, dates back at least five thousand years, and ancient clay tablets have been found that describe the damage that the evil eye can inflict. Even today, in many parts of the world, the evil eye is considered a major threat, and various kinds of amulets are used to avert it.
Take your time when choosing an amulet. Think about your purpose in wanting one, and how you will wear or carry it. On several occasions, amulets seem to have found me when I needed them.

Talisman is intended to provide power, energy, and specific benefits, they are often made at times that are believed to be spiritually or astrologically significant. They are frequently made from stone, metal, or parchment as these substances can easily be inscribed with words or pictures to add additional power. Many talismans come from predatory animals. A leopard’s claw, shark’s tooth, or eagle’s feather, for instance, are believed to endow the wearer with some of the qualities of the animal from which it came.
The most famous talisman is a six-pointed star, made from two overlapping triangles. The upward-pointing triangle symbolizes fire, the sky, and male energy. The downward-pointing triangle symbolizes water, earth, and female energy. As the Star of David, this talisman symbolizes both the Jewish religion and the nation of Israel. It is also known as the Seal of Solomon because King Solomon is believed to have used it. However, it predates his time by hundreds of years.
Gemstones as Amulets and Talismans

Crystals and gemstones have been used as amulets and talismans for thousands of years. In fact, it is believed that people wore earrings and necklaces before they started wearing clothes. During the Crusades, many soldiers carried talismanic stones carved with runic messages. They also carried bloodstones because this type of stone was associated with Mars, the god of war. The soldiers felt that bloodstones would make them brave in battle and protect them from harm.
The best crystal or gemstone to use appeals to you. It might be a stone that you find, purchase, or receive as a gift. You might like the colour, shape, size, or texture of a particular stone. It might be your astrological birthstone. If you sense that it is the right stone for you, you should use it.
Some stones produce feelings of comfort and peace, while others seem angry and aggressive. Many stones appear to be filled with fun and laughter, but a few appear sad. I choose the amulet or talisman I need by finding a stone that has the right feeling for the purpose I have in mind.
There are many other ways of choosing the correct gemstone, including one derived from your date of birth. You need to create a sum of your month, day and year of birth, and then reduce it down to a single digit. Unfortunately, there is an exception. If you come across an 11 or a 22 as you reduce down to a single digit, stop at that point, as they are called Master numbers. Here is an example of someone born on December 9, 1946
12 + 9 +1946 = 1967
We then add up 1967: 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 23. Finally, we add the 2 and 3 together, which gives us 5.
Here is an example that gives us a Master number: February 29, 1944:
2 + 29 + 1944 = 1975
When we add up 1 + 9 + 7 + 5, we get 22. Because 22 is a Master number, we stop at that point and do not reduce it any further.
Each Number Relates to a Colour:
- 1. RED: Red stones relate to passion, enthusiasm, and energy. Examples are ruby, garnet, and red jasper.
- 2. ORANGE: Orange stones relate to close relationships and personal satisfaction. Examples are citrine, carnelian, and orange sapphire.
- 3. YELLOW: Yellow stones relate to expressing the fun-filled, joyful aspects of life. Examples are yellow beryl and topaz.
- 4. GREEN: Green stones relate to hard work and accomplishment. Examples are emerald, peridot, and tourmaline.
- 5. BLUE: Blue stones enhance clarity and perception, and aid in goal-setting. Examples are lapis lazuli, sapphire, and blue tourmaline.
- 6. INDIGO: Indigo stones relate to caring for others. Examples are sodalite and iolite.
- 7. VIOLET: Violet stones relate to spiritual truth and the higher consciousness. Examples are amethyst, garnet, and purple-ruby.
- 8. PINK: Pink stones are stimulating and energizing. They enable progress to occur. Examples are rubellite tourmaline, rose beryl, and rose quartz.
- 9. CLEAR: Clear stones symbolize pure energy. They are nurturing, loving, and ultimately successful. Examples are clear quartz and diamond.
- 11. SILVER: Silver stones are peaceful and gentle. However, they also possess great power and provide enormous potential. Hematite is a good example.
- 22. GOLD: You should use gold when you are aiming high. Gold knows no limits. Examples are pyrite, pyrite-sun, and tiger’s-eye.
How to charge your Amulet and Talisman
Once you have chosen an Amulet/Talisman, it must be charged to fill it with power and energy. Amulets and Talismans are important magical tools that need to be dedicated to you and your specific goals. The best time to charge your Amulet/Talisman is when the moon is waxing. Bathe and change into clean clothes before charging your talisman. Some people prefer to be naked for this ceremony, as it exposes the Amulet or Talisman to more of their personal energy fields. For more information on How to Cleanse and Charge your Amulet and Talisman.